Hi. I'm Amir 😎
I do lots of things. I make websites, I train models, I write smart contracts
I love making lists
My main skills include:
  • Web Development 💻
  • AI Development (especially NLP) 🤖
  • Web3 Development (The kind that helps, not hurts people) 🌐
Technologies I'm good at:
  • Python
  • Javascript/Typescript
  • VB.NET
  • C#
  • Java ☕
  • Solidity
  • (look if you're a dev like me, i know it really doesn't matter what language you're good at as long as you can pick up new ones, it's just that a lot of recruiters are really particular about "what language do you know" so im sorry, blame it on our industry for being so hard to understand from the outside)
  • REST APIs 🔄
  • AWS
  • Serverless Computing 🚀
  • NLP 💬
  • Machine Learning 🤖
  • Generative AI 🎨
  • NFT Standards 🎨
  • DeFi Development 💸
  • Smart Contract Development 📜
My favorite words to say:
  • Scrumptious 😋
  • Delicious 🍽️
  • Stunning 😍
Here are some websites I've helped build professionally:
Here are some projects I did for fun:
Best tech stack for prototyping:
  • NextJS + Serverless ⚡
  • NextJS + Django REST Framework (if you really have to) 🌐
  • No for real stop reading this list. NextJS is how you get from an idea to a tangible product fast with 0 cost 🚀
Websites I built to help:
Academic/Career progression:
  • 2021 - Worked at Pentas.IO (Became the biggest NFT Marketplace in Malaysia)
  • 2022 - BComp.Sc. (Artificial Intelligence) (Honours with Distinction), University of Malaya
  • 2022 - Worked at MNRB (Scholarship bond)
  • 2023 - Worked at SimplifyNext (Technology Consultant)
i like stable jobs where i get to do what i like (web/ai/blockchain development). if you're reading this and you're looking for a good dev, contact me on WhatsApp or email me at iskandar.amir@gmail.com. if we don't end up doing anything together, you'd still get to make a new friend 🥰